Monday, October 24, 2011

I Love My iPhone

Your phone understands what you say and it even talks back. Pretty soon it will know what you're thinking. Sounds like a perfect union, but is it?

Love: Made in Cupertino, Engineered by Apple?
What is the psychology of craving an iPhone 4S?

How to Be a Leader, by Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs reveals his success secrets from beyond the Pearly Gates.

4 Tips for Digital Living
How do digital devices remake the interpersonal encounter?

Thumbs on the Wheel, Eyes on the Road
Distracted driving is on the rise. What can we do?

Steve Jobs Leveraged His Intelligence To More Effectively Create
How Jobs' life might inform the age old creativity and intelligence debate.

How Steve Jobs Helped the Healing Arts to Think Different
Steve Jobs rewired this art therapist’s brain.

I LOVE my iPhone: A Neuroscience Love Story?
Are we addicted to technology? Or could it be love?

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