Telling stories is the best way to teach, persuade, and even understand ourselves.
Does the Death of Bin Laden Help the 9/11 Families to Heal?
Bin Laden's Death Changes the Trauma Narrative of 9/11
Can Stories Change the World?
How your life can lift people.
Duchess of York’s Redemption Story Is Good Theatre
Princess Sarah does self-help without doing personal responsibility
Fiction as stealth persuasion
How advertisers can appear nicer than they are
An African Like Me?
How can hearing an alternative story change how we perceive?
Writing a compelling life story in 500 words or less
Nailing the personal statement to tell your life story
Can a Story Inspire Divorce Reform?
A divorce sparks draft law: Parental Divorce Reduction Act
Emotional Story-Telling after Stressful Experiences: A Way to Find Meaning
Can writing memoirs transform the meaning of trauma?
Can The Magic of Great Literature Take You Around The World?
A conversation with James Flynn, author of The Torchlight List
Protagonists, Plotlines and the Power of Mental Illness Narratives
A conversation with James Flynn, author of The Torchlight List
Troubled Times Spark Cruel Claims
How can we judge the validity of the wartime atrocity tale?
What's Your Life Story?
Gripping life stories don’t need conventional events
As Believable As Fiction
How to write compelling creative non-fiction
The Case of the Missing Cobra
Making news compelling through the art of story
Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man, Revisited
Should we fear or revere old age?
Only a Story? Not If Your Brain Has Its Way
Blame your brain when stories move you to real tears.
Your life story in metaphors
A box of chocolates or a bowl of cherries; which best fits your life?
"Writers Do Not Give Up on People"
To move the heart, construct your characters carefully.
Why Psychotherapists Write Novels and Plays
How therapy differs from fiction and theatre